Name: Remote access
Platform: Sqlserver
Category: Security
Premium package: Security and compliance package
Description: Checks if local stored procedures can execute on remote servers or remote stored procedures on local server.
Long description: Checks if local stored procedures can execute on remote servers or remote stored procedures on local server.
Version: 1.2
Default schedule: 23 1 1 *
Requires engine install: Yes
Compatibility tag: [CDATA[.[type=‘instance’ & databasetype=‘sqlserver’]/instance[maj_version > ‘2005’ & hasengine=‘YES’ & eng_inst_priv = 0 & (engine_edition = ‘Microsoft SQL Server’ | engine_edition = ‘Azure SQL Managed Instance’)
Name Default value Description
return status 1 Return status value (ALARM – 2, WARNING – 1, or OK – 0) when the “remote access” parameter is enabled.
disable remote access NO If set to “YES” the alert will disable “remote access” (if it is enabled) by running sp_configure stored procedure.
history threshold 365 The maximum number of days to keep statistics for in the historic tables.

← Remote admin connections / Password expiration (sysadmin) →


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