Jobs in the Maintenance category

Control Center Jobs Description
Framework Engine framework is used when upgrading earlier versions of dbWatch. Ensures the dbWatch Engine and dbWatch Server run compatible codes.
Analyze tables Analyse tables automatically.
Delete SYS.AUD$ data Deletes old rows from the SYS.AUD$ trail table.
Rebuild indexes Rebuild indexes automatically.
MS SQL Server
Autogrow settings Checks database files auto-growth settings.
framework dbWatch engine framework job (for internal use only). Used for patching or upgrading of dbWatch engine framework.
framework for MS2000 dbWatch engine framework job (for internal use only). Used for patching or upgrading of dbWatch engine framework.
Backup All databases Takes backup of all application and system databases.
Backup All transaction logs Takes backup of all transaction logs for databases running in FULL recovery mode.
Check database and server principal mapping Checks if the database owner (dbo) is maped into any Server Login (server principal).
Cleanup MSDB history tables This task deletes entries in the MSDB database history tables which holds statistics of backup/restore, jobs and maintenance plan executions.
Cycle error log This task cycle MS SQL Server error log and Agent error log files.
DBCC CHECKDB Checks the logical and physical integrity of all the objects in all databases by performing the DBCC CHECKDB operation.
DBCC UPDATEUSAGE This task is performing the DBCC UPDATEUSAGE operation to corrects pages and row count inaccuracies in the catalog views. These inaccuracies may cause incorrect space usage reports returned by the sp_spaceused system stored procedure.
External fragmentation all databases External (logical) fragmentation occurs when an index leaf page is not in logical order. It occurs when the logical ordering of the index does not match the physical ordering of the index. This causes SQL Server to perform extra work to return ordered results
Internal fragmentation check Checks the internal fragmentation for tables and indexes in all databases. The information is extracted from the dynamic management function (view) sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats.
SQL Server performance counters Checks if SQL Server performance counters are missing.
Rebuild indexes Rebuilds fragmented indexes in all databases.
Rebuld indexes in table Rebuilds fragmented indexes in all tables listed in the ‘table list’ parameter.
Reorganize indexes Reorganizes fragmented indexes in all databases.
Reorganize indexes in table Reorganizing fragmented indexes in all tables listed in the ‘table list’ parameter.
Shrink transaction logs This procedure shrinks transaction log files which are detected by ‘Transaction log size check’ alert which cheks the size of the transaction log (log file(s) size), and compares it to the database size (data file(s) size).
Suspect pages Monitors suspect pages statistics in suspect_pages table.
Update index statistics Update statistics in all (non-system) databases.
Update statistics Update statistics in all (non system) databases.
Backup job – pg_dump_all Runs a backup of all the postgres databases on an instance using pg_dumpall through an ssh connection.
framework dbWatch engine framework job (for internal use only). Used for patching or upgrading of dbWatch engine framework.
Analyze tables dbWatch engine framework job (for internal use only). Used for patching or upgrading of dbWatch engine framework.
Vaccum tables dbWatch engine framework job (for internal use only). Used for patching or upgrading of dbWatch engine framework.


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