Platform: Sqlserver
Category: Maintenance
Description: This task is performing the DBCC UPDATEUSAGE operation to corrects pages and row count inaccuracies in the catalog views. These inaccuracies may cause incorrect space usage reports returned by the sp_spaceused system stored procedure.
Long description: Do not run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE routinely unless you suspect incorrect values are being returned by sp_spaceused or when geting error number 2508 from DBCC CHECKDB procedure.
Version: 2
Default schedule: 0 * * *
Requires engine install: Yes
Compatibility tag: [CDATA[.[type=‘instance’ & databasetype=‘sqlserver’]/instance[maj_version > ‘2005’ & hasengine=‘YES’ & eng_inst_priv = 0 & (engine_edition = ‘Microsoft SQL Server’ | engine_edition = ‘Azure SQL Managed Instance’)


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