Jobs in the Performance category

Control Center Jobs Description
Blocking detector Checks if a session is waiting on a TX (transaction) lock.
Buffer cache statistics Gets data cache statistics for buffer cache in SGA.
CPU load Checks CPU load using Oracle performance view v$osstat.
Database network statistics Checks database network SQL*NET statistics.
Test DML performance Runs performance test. Procedure executes SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and TRUNCATE statements on schema test tables.
File IO statistics Collects I/O statistics for data files.
Instance memory statistics Collects statistics on instance memory.
Latch statistics Collects latch status statistics.
Long running queries Checks any long running queries and then alerts.
Open cursors Checks and collects the amount of open cursors per session.
Disk read statistics Collects disk read statistics from v$system_event performance view for db file sequential and dbfile scattered read event.
Redo statistics Gets redolog files statistics. Based on Oracle dictionary and performance views.
Redo statistics Gets redolog files statistics. Based on Oracle dictionary and performance views.
Session load Records the number of active and inactive sessions over time.
Session load Records the number of active sessions over time.
SQL waits Collects SQL wait statistics.
Table statistics check Reacts on old (or missing) statistisc in DBA_TABLES dictionary table (column LAST_ANALYZED).
Top user memory usage Check can be used to trace memory usage per server-process (session).
Undo statistics Collects rollback segment statistics.
User memory statistics Collects user memory statistics.
Wait statistics Collects waits statistics encountered by threads that executed. This task is based on the v$system_event dynamic performance view.
SQL statistics Collects SQL statements statistics from V$SQLAREA and V$SQL_PLAN dynamic performance views.
SQL statistics Collects SQL statements statistics from V$SQLAREA and V$SQL_PLAN dynamic performance views. For RDS only.
MS SQL Server
Blocking detector Checks whether there exists blocked session.
Blocking statistics Checks whether there exists any blocked sessions.
Cached query statistics This task returns aggregate performance statistics based on cached query plans in SQL Server.
Data cache memory usage Collects data cache memory usage per database (for top 10 databases).
Data cache memory usage for MS20005 and MS2008 Collects data cache memory usage per database (for top 10 databases).
Data hit ratio Monitors the buffer cache hit ratio by extracting counter values from the master.dbo.sysperfinfo table for the counters ‘Buffer cache hit ratio’ and ‘Buffer cache hit ratio base’.
Database session load Shows the number of connections over time per database, host and application.
Test DML-DDL performance Runs performance test on the database. The procedure executes SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE (and TRUNCATE) statements on the test table.
File IO statistics Shows the number of connections over time per database, host and application.
High activity monitor Collects SQL instance CPU usage, CPU usage of other processes, logical and physical reads, and active processes count on the SQL Server instance.
High activity monitor for MS2005 Collects SQL instance CPU usage, CPU usage of other processes, logical and physical reads, and active processes count on the SQL Server instance.
Index usage statistics all databases This procedure collects statistics from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats performance view which gives information on how an index (or a table – heap) has been used to resolve queries.
Instance memory check This job checks the target memory value of the SQL Server instance, and gives a warning/alarm if the instance is not able to allocate a
Instance memory usage Collects total memory usage and data cache memory usage for SQL Server instance. This dbWatch task can be configured to automatically reduce the amount of memory used by the SQL Server instance.
Instance memory usage for MS2005 and MS2008 Collects total memory usage and data cache memory usage for SQL Server instance. This dbWatch task can be configured to automatically reduce the amount of memory used by the SQL Server instance.
Lazy writer and Checkpoint statistics Monitors ‘Checkpoint pages/sec’, ‘Lazy writes/sec’ and ‘Page life expectancy’ by extracting counter values from the sys.dm_os_performance_counters performace table.
Memory objects statistics This task collects the size of memory objects that are currently allocated by the SQL Server
Blocking detector noschema Checks whether there exists any blocked sessions.
Instance memory check noschema The alert checks the target memory value of the SQL Server instance, and gives a warning/alarm if the instance is not able to allocate a certain percentage of the total server/machine memory.
Server memory statistics This tasks collects statistics from the sys.dm_os_sys_info performance view about the memory resources available to and consumed by the SQL Server.
Sessions per database This task returns aggregate performance statistics based on sessions connected to the SQL Server instance.
Session load Shows the number of active sessions over time.
Transactions log flushed bytes load Shows bytes flushed to transaction logs over time, total and top 5 databases.
Transactions log flushed bytes load for MS2000 Shows bytes flushed to transaction logs over time, total and top 5 databases.
Transactions load Shows the transactions load over time, total and top 5 databases.
Wait statistics Collects statistics about all waits encountered by threads that executed. This task is based on the sys.dm_os_wait_stats dynamic performance view.
SQL statistics Collects performance statistics for the SQL statements.
Query Store status Checks Query Store space usage in every database where it is enabled.
Buffer cache reads per database Collects the number of block fetch requests for table or index per database.
Buffer cache statistics Gets data cache statistics from pg_stat_database view.
Disk block hitrate Checks the hitrate for disk block requests.
Disk block reads per database Collects the number of disk block fetch requests for table or index per database.
Test DML performance Runs performance test. Procedure executes SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and TRUNCATE statements on schema test tables.
Index block hitrate Checks the hitrate for index disk block requests.
Locks held and statistics Shows locks held statistics.
Table and index scan collector Shows locks held statistics.
Session load Gathers session load statistics.
Table and index scan statistics This task gathers scan statistics on tables and indexes from pg_stat_all_tables view.
Transaction statistics Gathers information on commits and rollbacks in the databases and generates statistics.
SQL statistics for 13 and 14 Collects performance statistics for the SQL statements.
SQL statistics for 9.4 to 12 Collects performance statistics for the SQL statements.
Binlog cache check Binlog cache performance check
Innodb buffer pool check Checks the hit rate of the innodb buffer pool
Key buffer check Checks key buffer efficiency
Database load Provides information on the server load
Lock statistics Collects lock statistics
Memory setup Analyzes the memory setup of the server
Network traffic Shows the network traffic
Query cache hitrate Shows the query cache hit rate
Session load Shows connection statistics
Thread cache hitrate Shows the thread cache hit rate
Temporary table check Shows percentage of temporary tables written to disk
Binlog cache check Binlog cache performance check
Binlog cache check Binlog cache performance check
Innodb buffer pool check Checks the hit rate of the innodb buffer pool
Innodb buffer pool check Checks the hit rate of the innodb buffer pool
Key buffer check Checks key buffer efficiency
Key buffer check Checks key buffer efficiency
Database load Provides information on the server load
Database load Provides information on the server load
Lock statistics Collects lock statistics
Lock statistics Collects lock statistics
Memory setup Analyzes the memory setup of the server
Memory setup Analyzes the memory setup of the server
Network traffic Shows the network traffic
Network traffic Shows the network traffic
Query cache hitrate Shows the query cache hit rate
Query cache hitrate Shows the query cache hit rate
Session load Shows connection statistics
Session load Shows connection statistics
Thread cache hitrate Shows the thread cache hit rate
Thread cache hitrate Shows the thread cache hit rate
Temporary table check Shows percentage of temporary tables written to disk
Temporary table check Shows percentage of temporary tables written to disk
MariaDB Index Redundancy Checker Shows percentage of temporary tables written to disk
Blocking detector This check helps identify processes that are blocking other processes. The ‘time_blocked’ column in system table master..sysprocesses is checked for processes with status ‘lock sleep’.
Data cache monitor Collects data cache statistics based on the dbWatch tasks ‘System monitor collector’ which runs the ‘dbcc monitor’ utility continuously.
Data cache statistics Collects data cache statistics.
Disk activity monitor Collects statistics created by the ‘System monitor collector’ task.
Test DML-DDL performance Runs performance test on database.The procedure executes SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements on dbwatch engine schema test tables.
Engine CPU monitor Collects counter values for busy io and busy cpu, and are based on the dbWatch tasks ‘System monitor collector’ which runs the ‘dbcc monitor’ utility continuously.
Memory statistics Collects memory statistics based on the dbWatch tasks ‘System monitor collector’ which runs the ‘dbcc monitor’ utility continuously.
Procedure cache check Checks the procedure cache.
Procedure cache check Checks the procedure cache.
Session load Shows session statistics.
System monitor collector This task collects statistics by running the ‘dbcc monitor’ utility which is also a part of the stored procedure sp_sysmon. It is important that the ‘System monitor collector’ is not used while the sp_sysmon procedure is executed from some where else, as this will clear all the counters, resulting in incorrect statistics. After successful execution of this procedure, the statistics are extracted from the master.dbo.sysmonitors table and stored in a local table (dbw_sysmon_stat) where they can be analyzed by other dbWatch performance tasks.
Temp cache statistics Collects temp cache statistics.
User connections check Checks the configuration setting of the ‘number of user connections’ from the master.dbo.syscurconfigs table against the number of connections on the instance (processes with suid != 0 in from the master.dbo.sysprocesses table).
User connections check Checks the configuration setting of the ‘number of user connections’ from the master.dbo.syscurconfigs table against the number of connections on the instance (processes with suid != 0 in from the master.dbo.sysprocesses table).


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