Name: System monitor collector
Platform: Sybase
Category: Performance
Description: This task collects statistics by running the ‘dbcc monitor’ utility which is also a part of the stored procedure sp_sysmon. It is important that the ‘System monitor collector’ is not used while the sp_sysmon procedure is executed from some where else, as this will clear all the counters, resulting in incorrect statistics. After successful execution of this procedure, the statistics are extracted from the master.dbo.sysmonitors table and stored in a local table (dbw_sysmon_stat) where they can be analyzed by other dbWatch performance tasks.
Long description:
Version: 1.5
Default schedule:
  • * * *
Requires engine install: Yes
Compatibility tag: [CDATA[.[type=‘instance’ & databasetype=‘sybase’]/instance[maj_version = ‘12’ & hasengine=‘YES’


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