Name: Agresso – missing system indexes
Platform: Sqlserver
Category: Agresso
Premium package: Agresso application package
Description: Checks if there are any missing system indexes in the agresso database by comparing records in dbo.asysindex and sys.indexes tables.
Long description:
Version: 1.3
Default schedule: 45 7 1-5 *
Requires engine install: Yes
Compatibility tag: [CDATA[.[type=‘instance’ & databasetype=‘sqlserver’]/instance[maj_version > ‘2012’ & hasengine=‘YES’ & (engine_edition = ‘Microsoft SQL Server’ | engine_edition = ‘Azure SQL Managed Instance’)
Name Default value Description
ignore indexes List of agresso system indexes (separated by comma) which will be ignored from beeing checked.
database name agr% Name of the database where the Agresso application is installed. You can specify a list of databases (separated by comma). You can use % (percent sign) to represent wild card characters.
return status 1 Return status value (ALARM – 2, WARNING – 1, or OK – 0) when missing agresso system indexes.

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