Name: Database backup
Platform: Sqlserver
Category: Availability
Description: This procedure analyzes the backup statistics (type D and I) from the msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding the system databases: master, model and msdb).
Long description: This procedure analyzes the backup statistics (type D and I) from the msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding the system databases: master, model and msdb).
Version: 2.1
Default schedule: 10 6 * *
Requires engine install: Yes
Compatibility tag: [CDATA[.[type=‘instance’ & databasetype=‘sqlserver’]/instance[maj_version > ‘2000’ & maj_version < ‘2014’ & hasengine=‘YES’ & (engine_edition = ‘Microsoft SQL Server’ | engine_edition = ‘Azure SQL Managed Instance’)
Name Default value Description
ignore databases dbwatch% The list of databases to be ignored (separated by comma).
backup date threshold 48 A warning/alarm is triggered if the number of hours since the database was last backed up is greater than the parameter value.
return status when missing backup 2 Return status value (ALARM – 2, WARNING – 1, or OK – 0) when missing backup of a database.
return status when old backup 2 Return status value (ALARM – 2, WARNING – 1, or OK – 0) when the last backup date is older than the “backup date threshold” parameter value.
exclude databases in SIMPLE recovery mode NO If set to YES the alert will exclude all databases configured with SIMPLE recovery mode.
exclude databases if new 24 If the database has been created within the last 24 hours (default value), no warning/alarm will be triggered.

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