First you need to go through the steps described in Setting up a CCC node
You also need to download the service scripts.
Find the id of the service you want to manage. This is located in the file “./config/services.json”.
In our example the id is
Get status
To get the status of the service, use the service_status.script and supply the id as serviceName.
As you can see, ccc is a bit chatty, but the status is returned as the service name followed by “Running” or “Stopped”.
In our example dashboard Running
Stop the service
To stop the service, use the service_stop.script and supply the id as serviceName.
Checking the status again, we see that the service is now stopped.
Start the service
To stop the service, use the service_start.script and supply the id as serviceName.
Checking the status again, we see that the service is now started.
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