Control Center Jobs Description
Agresso (part of Agresso Application Package)
Agresso report queue Monitors and checks pending or running reports. Returns warning or alarm if the elapsed time exceeds defined thresholds.
Agresso blob size collector Collects information about the size of blobs in agresso databases.
Agresso framework Checks whether there is an installation of the agresso application in any of the databases.
Agresso help and temp tables Collects information about objects (temporary tables and help tables) created in the agresso application schema.
Agresso – missing system indexes Checks if there are any missing system indexes in the agresso database by comparing records in dbo.asysindex and sys.indexes tables.
Agresso – missing user indexes Checks if there are any missing user indexes in the agresso database by comparing records in dbo.asysindex and sys.indexes tables.
Agresso – not registered indexes Checks if there are any indexes in the agresso database which are not registered in the dbo.asysindex or dbo.aagindex tables.
Agent error log Reads and checks the Agent error log file by using the sp_readerrorlog stored procedure.
Agent Jobs Check Checks whether there exists jobs on the SQL server which have not been executed, or have failed during execution.
Agent Jobs Check Checks whether there exists jobs on the SQL server which have not been executed or have failed during execution.
SQL Server Agent status Checks if the SQL Server Agent is running.
Database backup This procedure analyzed the backup statistics from msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding system databases: master, model and msdb).
Database backup This procedure analyzed the system database backups statistics from msdb.dbo.backupset table.
Database backup This procedure analyzes the backup statistics (type D and I) from the msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding the system databases: master, model and msdb).
Database Log backup This procedure checks the database transaction log backups from the msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding system databases: master, model and msdb).
Database backup This procedure analyzes the backup statistics (type D and I) from the msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding the system databases: master, model and msdb).
Database backup This procedure analyzes the backup statistics (type D) from the msdb.dbo.backupset table for databases in SIMPLE recovery model (excluding the system databases: master, model and msdb).
Database backup This procedure analyzes the FULL backup statistics for the system databases (master, model and msdb) using data from the msdb.dbo.backupset table.
Database Log backup This procedure checks the database transaction log backups from the msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding system databases: master, model and msdb).
Collation check Checks if there is a collation conflict with temp tables and table variables.
Check database recovery mode Checks if all databases are running in FULL or SIMPLE recovery mode.
Database status Checks if all databases have status ONLINE
Database status Checks if all databases have status ONLINE
Database Server uptime Collects database server uptime statistics.
Database Server uptime Collects database server uptime statistics.
Database Server uptime Collects database server uptime statistics.
Deadlocks event collector Collects deadlocks event statistics from Microsoft SQL Server Extended Event Log files. If configured a warning or an alarm can be triggered when a deadlock is detected.
Instance error log Reads and checks the Instance error log file by using the sp_readerrorlog stored procedure.
Instance error log Reads and checks the Instance error log file by using the AWS rdsadmin.dbo.rds_read_error_log stored procedure.
Instance status This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Database backup This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Database log backup This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Database status This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Missing database backup This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Missing database log backup This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Program status Checks for any program connected to the SQL Server by checking the program_name column in the master.dbo.sysprocesses table.
Report Server status Checks if the program ‘Report Server’ is connected to the SQL Server by checking the program_name column in the master.dbo.sysprocesses table.
Restricted Enterprise edition features Checks if there are any restricted features in use (supported only by Enterprise or Developer SQL Server edition).
Restricted Enterprise edition features Checks if there are any restricted features in use (supported only by Enterprise or Developer SQL Server edition).
Restricted Enterprise edition features 2005 Checks if there are any restricted features in use (supported only by Enterprise or Developer SQL Server edition).
Test alert Test alert that alerts every ‘X’ minutes.
Auto growth event collector Collects statistics on how often an auto-growth event has occurred.
Data file size check Checks the remaining space for all databases where the data files are set with limited growth rate (max size not unlimited).
Data file size check Checks the remaining space for all databases where the data files are set with limited growth rate (max size not unlimited).
Database growth rate Collects size of all database files (including transaction log files) to visualize the growth rate for all databases.
Database growth rate Collects size of all database files (including transaction log files) to visualize the growth rate for all databases.
Database growth rate Collects size of database files (including transaction log files) to visualize the growth rate for the largest databases.
Database growth rate Collects size of all database files (including transaction log files) to visualize the growth rate for all databases.
Database disk capacity Checks free space on drives where data and transaction log files are defined. An alarm (or warning) is raised if the percentage limit is reached OR if the absolute limit is reached. IF the xp_cmdshell Instance configuration option is enabled the alert can check disk and mounted volumes where data-files are not present.
Database disk space usage Checks free space on drives where all data and transaction log files are defined. Drives where no data files exist will be ignored.
Databases NOT IN USE collector Collects information about most inactive databases.
Disk space check Checks the amount of free space on the available disk drives.
Instance error log file size check Checks the size and the Instance error log file by using the extended stored procedure xp_cmdshell.
Filegroups growth rate This procedure collects space usage for the largest filegroups defined in each database. The undocumented ‘sp_MSforeachdb’ Stored Procedure is used to execute T-SQL statements against dbo.sysfiles table in every database defined on a SQL Server instance.
Filegroups growth rate This procedure collects space usage in all filegroups defined in each database. The undocumented ‘sp_MSforeachdb’ Stored Procedure is used to execute T-SQL statements against dbo.sysfiles table in every database defined to a SQL Server instance.
Data file size check This procedure collects space usage in all filegroups defined in each database. The undocumented ‘sp_MSforeachdb’ Stored Procedure is used to execute T-SQL statements against dbo.sysfiles table in every database defined to a SQL Server instance.
Disk space check This procedure collects space usage in all filegroups defined in each database. The undocumented ‘sp_MSforeachdb’ Stored Procedure is used to execute T-SQL statements against dbo.sysfiles table in every database defined to a SQL Server instance.
Transaction log space usage This procedure collects space usage in all filegroups defined in each database. The undocumented ‘sp_MSforeachdb’ Stored Procedure is used to execute T-SQL statements against dbo.sysfiles table in every database defined to a SQL Server instance.
Objects size collector Collects table and index size information for the largest objects for all databases.
Table size collector Collects table (HEAP and CLUSTER type) size statistics.
Temporary database space usage Checks space usage in tempdb database, and collects statistics including size of data and transaction log files.
Transaction log size check This procedure checks the size of the transaction log (log file(s) size), and compares it to the database size (data file(s) size). If the size of the transaction log file(s) in percentage is greater than the warning/alarm parameter value, the check returns a warning/alarm.
Transaction log size check This procedure checks the size of the transaction log (log file(s) size), and compares it to the database size (data file(s) size). If the size of the transaction log file(s) in percentage is greater than the warning/alarm parameter value, the check returns a warning/alarm.
Transaction log space usage This procedure checks information in sys.dm_db_log_space_usage view which shows space usage in the transaction log.
Transaction log space usage This procedure checks information returned by DBCC SQLPERF which is used to monitor the amount of space used in the transaction log.
Transaction log space usage This procedure checks information returned by DBCC SQLPERF which is used to monitor the amount of space used in the transaction log.
Truncate transaction log This procedure truncates the transaction log for the dbWatch database.
Version store space usage Checks total space in tempdb used by version store records for each database.
Query Store status Checks Query Store space usage in every database where it is enabled.
AG synchronization lag Checks AG synchronization lag.
Database mirroring Checks state information of all mirrored databases.
Failover cluster host switch Checks if an instance switched to a different host i a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC).
Health state Checks groups health state.
Log shipping monitor Monitor the primary database in each log shipping configuration, including information about the last backup file and last restored file.
Log shipping monitor Monitor the secondary database in each log shipping configuration.
Member state Checks the status of each member node of the current WSFC cluster based on Dynamic Management Views sys.dm_hadr_cluster_members.
AlwaysOn database backup alert Checks the status of each member node of the current WSFC cluster based on Dynamic Management Views sys.dm_hadr_cluster_members.
AlwaysOn differential database backup alert Checks the status of each member node of the current WSFC cluster based on Dynamic Management Views sys.dm_hadr_cluster_members.
AlwaysOn transaction log backup alert Checks the status of each member node of the current WSFC cluster based on Dynamic Management Views sys.dm_hadr_cluster_members.
Replica states Checks role state for all alwayson groups.
Replication status The following check provides general info in regards to any replication going on in a server.
  • (part of Compliance package)*
Database statistics This procedure gathers statistics per database.
Autogrowth settings Checks database files auto-growth settings.
Autoshrink settings Checks if all databases have auto-shrink turned off.
framework dbWatch engine framework job (for internal use only). Used for patching or upgrading of dbWatch engine framework.
framework dbWatch engine framework task (for internal use only). Used for patching or upgrading of dbWatch engine framework.
Maintenance (part of Automated maintenance package
Backup All databases Takes backup of all application and system databases.
Backup All transaction logs Takes backup of all transaction logs for databases running in FULL recovery mode.
Check database and server principal mapping Checks if the database owner (dbo) is mapped into any Server Login (server principal).
Cleanup MSDB history tables This task deletes entries in the MSDB database history tables which holds statistics of backup/restore, jobs and maintenance plan executions.
Cycle error log This task cycle MS SQL Server error log and Agent error log files.
DBCC CHECKDB Checks the logical and physical integrity of all the objects in all databases by performing the DBCC CHECKDB operation.
DBCC UPDATEUSAGE This task is performing the DBCC UPDATEUSAGE operation to corrects pages and row count inaccuracies in the catalog views. These inaccuracies may cause incorrect space usage reports returned by the sp_spaceused system stored procedure.
External fragmentation External (logical) fragmentation occurs when an index leaf page is not in logical order. It occurs when the logical ordering of the index does not match the physical ordering of the index. This causes SQL Server to perform extra work to return ordered results.
Internal fragmentation check Checks the internal fragmentation for tables and indexes in all databases. The information is extracted from the dynamic management function (view) sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats.
Page verify option This job checks whether PAGE_VERIFY database option is set to CHECKSUM. This helps provide a high level of data-file integrity.
SQL Server performance counters Checks if SQL Server performance counters are missing.
Rebuild indexes Rebuilds fragmented indexes in all databases.
Rebuild indexes in table Rebuilds fragmented indexes in all tables listed in the ‘table list’ parameter.
Reorganize indexes Reorganizes fragmented indexes in all databases.
Reorganize indexes in table Reorganizing fragmented indexes in all tables listed in the ‘table list’ parameter.
Shrink transaction logs This procedure shrinks transaction log files which are detected by ‘Transaction log size check’ alert which checks the size of the transaction log (log file(s) size), and compares it to the database size (data file(s) size).
Suspect pages Monitors suspect pages statistics in suspect_pages table.
Update index statistics Update statistics in all (non-system) databases.
Update statistics Update statistics in all (non system) databases.
Migration (part of Migration package)
Statistics migration Migrates statistics from a number of tasks from dbWatch version 12 to dbWatch CC.
Blocking detector Checks whether there exists blocked session.
Blocking statistics Checks whether there exists any blocked sessions.
Cached query statistics This task returns aggregate performance statistics based on cached query plans in SQL Server.
Data cache memory usage Collects data cache memory usage per database (for top 10 databases).
Data cache memory usage Collects data cache memory usage per database (for top 10 databases).
Data hit ratio Monitors the buffer cache hit ratio by extracting counter values from the master.dbo.sysperfinfo table for the counters ‘Buffer cache hit ratio’ and ‘Buffer cache hit ratio base’.
Database session load Shows the number of connections over time per database, host and application.
Test DML-DDL performance Runs performance test on the database. The procedure executes SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE (and TRUNCATE) statements on the test table.
File IO statistics Collects I/O statistics for data and log files.
High activity monitor Collects SQL instance CPU usage, CPU usage of other processes, logical and physical reads, and active processes count on the SQL Server instance.
High activity monitor Collects SQL instance CPU usage, CPU usage of other processes, logical and physical reads, and active processes count on the SQL Server instance.
Index usage statistics This procedure collects statistics from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats performance view which gives information on how an index (or a table – heap) has been used to resolve queries.
Instance memory check This job checks the target memory value of the SQL Server instance, and gives a warning/alarm if the instance is not able to allocate a
Instance memory usage Collects total memory usage and data cache memory usage for SQL Server instance. This dbWatch task can be configured to automatically reduce the amount of memory used by the SQL Server instance.
Instance memory usage Collects total memory usage and data cache memory usage for SQL Server instance. This dbWatch task can be configured to automatically reduce the amount of memory used by the SQL Server instance.
Lazy writer and Checkpoint statistics Monitors ‘Checkpoint pages/sec’, ‘Lazy writes/sec’ and ‘Page life expectancy’ by extracting counter values from the sys.dm_os_performance_counters performance table.
Memory objects statistics This task collects the size of memory objects that are currently allocated by the SQL Server
Blocking detector This task collects the size of memory objects that are currently allocated by the SQL Server
Instance memory check This task collects the size of memory objects that are currently allocated by the SQL Server
Server memory statistics This tasks collects statistics from the sys.dm_os_sys_info performance view about the memory resources available to and consumed by the SQL Server.
Sessions per database This task returns aggregate performance statistics based on sessions connected to the SQL Server instance.
Session load Shows the number of active sessions over time.
SQL statements Collects statistics for the SQL statements corresponding to the query plans that have resulted in the most logical reads.
Transactions log flushed bytes load Shows bytes flushed to transaction logs over time, total and top 5 databases.
Transactions log flushed bytes load Shows bytes flushed to transaction logs over time, total and top 5 databases.
Transactions load Shows the transactions load over time, total and top 5 databases.
Wait statistics Collects statistics about all waits encountered by threads that executed. This task is based on the sys.dm_os_wait_stats dynamic performance view.
Performance (part of SQL Performance package)
Session statistics Collects session statistics.
SQL statistics Collects performance statistics for the SQL statements.
Database compatibility Checks if there is a difference in compatibility levels of databases and the instance.
MS SQL Server patch status Checks latest updates for Microsoft SQL Server.
Security (part of Security and Compliance package)
Ad Hoc Distributed Queries Checks if the OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE functions can be used to connect to remote data sources that use OLE DB (DB2, Host File systems, Oracle, etc.).
Asymmetric Key size Checks that at least a 2048-bit encryption key size is used for asymmetric keys.
Auto close database Checks if the contained databases are closed or not after a connection terminates.
CLR Assembly permission Checks if the CLR Assembly permission_set is set to SAFE access.
CLR Enabled Checks if the assemblies can be run by SQL Server.
Command shell setting Checks if the xp_cmdshell is enabled, as a security best practice it is recommended to only enable it for the duration of the actual task that requires it.
Contained database credentials Checks if the database users in contained databases are using database authentication (authentication_type = 2).
Cross DB Ownership Chaining Checks cross-database ownership chaining across all databases at the instance level.
Database Mail XPs Checks the ability to generate and transmit email messages from SQL Server.
Default trace enabled Checks that ‘Default Trace Enabled’ server configuration option is set to ‘1’.
Disabled sa account Checks if the ‘sa’ login account (principal_id=1 and sid=0×01) is set to ‘disabled’.
Number of ERRORLOG files Checks the number of error log files created on the operating file system.
Full-Text service account Checks if the service account used by the Full-Text service account is not a member of the Windows Administrator group.
Guest database users Checks that CONNECT permission (in every non system database) are revoked for the guest user.
Hide Instance Checks if the instance is hidden (not exposed by SQL Browser).
Instance Authentication Mode Checks if the Server Authentication property is set to ‘Windows Authentication Mode’ or ‘Mixed Mode’ authentication.
Login audit setting Checks if the SQL Server login audit is set to value ‘2’ (none = 0, successful logins only = 1, failed logins only = 2, both failed and successful logins = 3).
Login failed and successful setting Checks if the SQL Server login audit is set to value ‘3’ (none = 0, successful logins only = 1, failed logins only = 2, both failed and successful logins = 3).
Public role Checks that the public role in the msdb database is not granted access to SQL Agent proxies.
MS SQL service account Checks if the service account used by the MSSQLSERVER service is not a member of the Windows Administrator group.
Ole Automation Procedures Checks whether OLE Automation objects can be instantiated within Transact-SQL batches.
Orphaned database users Checks if there are orphaned database users (users for which the corresponding SQL Server login is undefined).
Password expiration Checks that CHECK_EXPIRATION option is set to ‘ON’ for all SQL authenticated logins within the sysadmin role.
Password policy Checks that CHECK_POLICY option is set to ‘ON’ for all SQL authenticated logins.
Public server role Checks if extra permissions have been granted to the public server role.
Remote access Checks if local stored procedures can execute on remote servers or remote stored procedures on local server.
Remote admin connections Checks whether a client application on a remote computer can use the Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC).
Renamed sa account Checks if the standard ‘sa’ login account (principal_id=1 and sid=0×01) has been renamed.
Scan for startup procs Check if MS SQL Server automatically scan and run all stored procedures that are set to execute upon service startup.
Security and Compliance framework dbWatch Security framework job. Used for collecting and analysis of statistics from all Security jobs.
SQL Browser Checks if the SQL Server Browser is disabled.
SQL Server Protocols Check what SQL Server protocols are in use.
SQL Agent service account Checks if the service account used by the SQL Agent service is not a member of the Windows Administrator group.
Standard ports Verify the usage of standard ports, with TCP port 1433 being the default.
Symmetric Key encryption Checks that only AES_128, AES_192, and AES_256 symmetric key encryption algorithms are in use.
Trustworthy Check if the TRUSTWORTHY database option allows database objects to access objects in other databases.
Windows BUILTIN groups Checks that Windows BUILTIN groups are not SQL Logins.
Windows LOCAL groups Checks that Windows LOCAL groups are not SQL Logins.


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