Name: Aborted connections
Platform: Mysql
Category: Availability
Description: Checks the number of aborted client connections.
Long description: Checks the number of aborted client connections. Usually this is because of incorrect password or no matching host for the user. Aborted connections can also be caused by clients trying to connect with invalid or malformed connection strings.
Version: 1.2
Default schedule: 9,19,29,39,49,59 * * *
Requires engine install: Yes
Compatibility tag: [CDATA[.[type=‘instance’ & is_mysql_branch=‘1’]/.[hasengine=‘YES’ & use_global_variables_performance_schema = ‘1’
Name Default value Description
warning threshold 20 The maximum value of aborted connects (over a period of time defined by the
alarm threshold 100 The maximum value of aborted connects (over a period of time defined by the
threshold (time) 60 A period of time (in minutes) which must be passed (combined with the number of aborted connects) before an alarm or a warning is returned by the procedure.
enable warnings and alarms NO If set to “NO” (default), the alert will only collect statistics without returning status warning or alarm. Value “YES” will activate the alert.
history threshold 7 The maximum number of day to kept statistics for in the historic tables.

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