Name: Tablespace free space
Platform: Oracle
Category: Capacity
Description: Checks level of free space for all tablespaces.
Long description: Task checks the level of free space for all tablespaces.
Version: 2.4
Default schedule: 45 6,11,18 * *
Requires engine install: Yes
Compatibility tag: [CDATA[.[type=‘instance’ & databasetype=‘oracle’]/.[hasengine=‘YES’ & (version like ’10%’ | version like ’8%’ | version like ’9%’)
Name Default value Description
warning threshold (percent) 10 Warning threshold for the minimum value of the free space in the tablespace (in percentage). If the amount of free space falls below this parameter value, and at the same time the amount of free space in MB falls below the “warning threshold (MB)” parameter value, the check will return a WARNING.
exclude tablespaces Name of the tablespace(s) which should be excluded from free-space checking (separated by comma).
warning threshold (MB) 5000 Minimum of the free space (in MB) for the tablespace. If the amount of free space falls below this parameter value, and at the same time the amount of free space in percent falls below the “warning threshold (percent)” parameter value, the check will return a WARNING.
ignore AUTOEXTENSIBLE NO If “YES”, the procedure does not check tablespaces with AUTOEXTENSIBLE data-files (AUTOEXTENSIBLE=“YES”). Possible values are “YES” and “NO”.
alarm threshold (percent) 5 Alarm threshold for the minimum value of free space in the tablespace (in percentage). If the amount of free space falls below this parameter value, and at the same time the amount of free space in MB falls below the “alarm threshold free space MB” parameter value, the check will return an ALARM.
alarm threshold (MB) 2000 Minimum of free space (in MB) for the tablespace. If the amount of free space falls below this parameter value, and at the same time the amount of free space in percent falls below the “alarm threshold (percent)” parameter value, the check will return an ALARM.
include unallocated free space NO If set to “YES”, the procedure will compute the free space in each tablespace based on available space in the data file plus all unallocated space this file could autoextend to (maxsize – current size).

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