Before you can get instance configuration through CCC you need to go through the steps described in Setting up a CCC node
Getting instance configuration
Version 2025-02-12 and newer:
The script has two optional arguments.
accesspoint – specifies host:port to connect to.
node – id of target node (if not the same as accesspoint)
domaintoken – domain token (if accesspoint is a Cloud Router)
domainName – specifies a particular domain (relevant if the server has several domains)
instanceName – instance name to get configuration for
result – output XML file for configuration, default instance.xml
Older versions:
get_instance.script has the following input parameters:
server – specify server IP and port, by default localhost:7100
domainName – specify domain name, relevant only if the server has multiple domains, if it has only one, it will default to that one.
instanceName – instance name to get configuration for
result – output XML file for configuration, default instance.xml
ccc \script\get_instance.script instanceName=“joiol” result=joiol_instance_configuration.xml
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