Functions in FDL

Numeric functions

Function name Description
add Adds a number to a base value
sub Substracts a number from a base value
div Diveds a number
mult Multiplies a number
abs Returns the absolute value of a number
until Return all numbers from a base number until an end number
round Rounds a number to a specified precision

Aggregate functions

Function name Description
groupby Groups a set on some value(s)
count Counts the number of rows
sum Sums all values in a set
avg Computes the average of set
max Finds the max value in a set
min Finds the minimum value in a set
orderby Orders a set

String functions

Function name Description
upper Converts a string to uppercase
lower Converts a string to lowercase
trim Strips empty spaces from the beginning and end of a string
concat Concats a number of strings
capitalize Capitalizes a string
mkstring Makes a string from a set
nicedb Convert databasetype to nice string
replace Replaces all occurences of string A with string B in a string C

Set functions

Function name Description
distinct Removes duplicates from a set of values
union The union of two sets
intersect The intersection of two sets
difference The difference of two sets
empty If a set is empty
nonempty If a set is nonempty
containsall Checks if two sets are equal
containssome Checks if two sets have overlapping elements
containsnone Checks if two sets have no overlapping elements

Time functions

Function name Description
todate Converts a value to datestring
tomillis Converts a datetime string to milliseconds
toperiod Converts a number to a period string


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