Name: Index fragmentation
Platform: Oracle
Category: Maintenance
Premium package: Maintenance package
Description: Checks the index fragmentation in all database schemas. If DELETED LEAF ROWS is high, you will get low block density.
Long description: Checks the index fragmentation in all database schemas.
Version: 1.3
Default schedule: 40 4 4 *
Requires engine install: Yes
Compatibility tag: [CDATA[.[type=‘instance’ & databasetype=‘oracle’]/.[hasengine=‘YES’ & nine_and_above=‘1’
Name Default value Description
history threshold 90 The number of days the statistics (size, rows count, fragmentation, etc.) will be kept in the history table.
max objects 10 The number of objects (indexes and tables) for which the statistics will be checked and collected into the history table.
size threshold 50 The minimum size (in MB) of the indexes to be analyzed for fragmentation. Only type NORMAL indexes are analyzed (not BITMAP, LOB, etc.)
with clause VALIDATE STRUCTURE Clause which should be specifies when running ANALYZE INDEX command. Valid inputs are “VALIDATE STRUCTURE” or “COMPUTE STATISTICS”.
max elapsed time 60 The maximum time (in minutes) the procedure is allowed to run.
warning threshold 50 Warning threshold value in percent. If the average leaf blocks density in the B-Tree (in percent) in the index get below the threshold value, the job will return a warning.
alarm threshold 30 Alarm threshold value in percent. If the average leaf blocks density in the B-Tree (in percent) in the index get below the threshold value, the job will return an alarm.
ignore schemas SYS, SYSTEM List of schemas (separated by comma) which will be ignored. You can use % (percent sign) to represent wild card characters.
enable warnings and alarms NO If set to “NO” (default), the job will only collect statistics without returning status warning or alarm. Value “YES” will activate alerting.
max size threshold 5000 The maximum size (in MB) of the objects (indexes) to be analyzed for fragmentation.
continue on next run YES If set to “YES” (default) the procedure will continue where it left off.
max objects per graph 5 The maximum number of objects visualized in the report graphs.
max objects per table 30 The maximum number of objects visualized in the report table.

← Index status check (8i) / Table fragmentation (10g) →


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