Control Center Jobs Description
Agresso (part of the Agresso Application Package)
Agresso reports queue Monitors and checks pending or running reports. Returns warning or alarm if the elapsed time exceeds defined threshold.
Agresso CON$ system table Checks the size of all indexes defined on SYS.CON$ system table.
Agresso help and temp tables Collects information about objects (temporary tables and help tables) created in the agresso application schema.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log. Uses embedded java to read files.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log. Uses embedded java to read files.
Archive status Check Checks how many redolog files that are not archived.
Backup log Check 10g Checks for errors in a log file (e.i. backup log). For backups not using RMAN.
Backup log Check 8i Checks for errors in a log file (e.i. backup log). For backups not using RMAN.
Backup log Check 9i Checks for errors in a log file (e.i. backup log). For backups not using RMAN.
Data Guard Archive Status Checks that the standby database is receiving archive files from master database.
Data Guard Archive Status Check Checks that the standby database is receiving archive files from master database.
Database link check Checks database links.
Instance alert log Reads and checks errors in the X$DBGALERTEXT performance view contained in the XML decoded version of the XML version of Alert log file.
Database uptime Collects database uptime statistics for all instances mounted on the database.
Dba Jobs check Detecting failed scheduled jobs in old style dba_jobs.
DBMS uptime Collects uptime statistics in database.
Export log Check Checks for errors in a log file (i.e. export log).
File status check Reacts on any changes in status of data files and/or temporary files.
Job scheduling check Detecting failed scheduled jobs. The STATUS column in the Oracle dictionary view DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS is used to detect scheduled jobs that have failed.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors in database listener log. Using embedded java to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors in database listener log. Using embedded java to read.
Listener status check Checks listener status to verify if up and running, requires java support in the database.
Max datafiles check Checks the ‘soft limit’ and the ‘hard limit’ of the maximum number of physical OS files, that can be mapped to an Oracle instance.
Database mount state Checks the ‘soft limit’ and the ‘hard limit’ of the maximum number of physical OS files, that can be mapped to an Oracle instance.
Datafile status Checks the ‘soft limit’ and the ‘hard limit’ of the maximum number of physical OS files, that can be mapped to an Oracle instance.
Max datafiles Checks the ‘soft limit’ and the ‘hard limit’ of the maximum number of physical OS files, that can be mapped to an Oracle instance.
RMAN ARCHIVELOG backup status alert Checks the ‘soft limit’ and the ‘hard limit’ of the maximum number of physical OS files, that can be mapped to an Oracle instance.
RMAN backup status alert Checks the ‘soft limit’ and the ‘hard limit’ of the maximum number of physical OS files, that can be mapped to an Oracle instance.
Password expire Checks for users whose password will soon expire.
PDB status Alerts if PDB is not in correct state
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN archivelog backup status Checks the status of RMAN archivelog backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN full backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view for input_type ‘DB FULL’. The procedure can also check incremental (input_type ‘DB INCR’) level 0 backup (equivalent to full backup) by checking V$BACKUP_DATAFILE performance view (column INCREMENTAL_LEVEL=0).
RMAN incremental backup status Checks the status of RMAN incremental backup (input_type ‘DB INCR’) from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN recovery area backup status Checks the status of RMAN recovery area backup (input_type ‘RECVR AREA’) from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
Tablespace in BEGIN BACKUP mode Checks if any of the tablespaces are in ‘BEGIN BACKUP’ mode (caused by DDL ‘alter tablespace
Test alert db Test alert that alerts every ‘X’ minutes.
Test alert Test alert that alerts every ‘X’ minutes.
TNSping check Checks TNSping connectivity on listed targets. Task requires ‘java’ support. Supports Linux/Unix and Windows, will react with an alarm if host is unreachable.
ASM disk statistics Checks ASM disks for status and statistics.
ASM diskgroup space Checks ASM diskgroups space statistics.
Monitor SYS.AUD$ table size Checks size of the AUD$ trail table.
Autoextensible data files Checks all tablespaces for total disk space usage (autoextensible data files).
Disk space check Disk space check requiring java support database. (Supports Linux, Solaris, AIX, HPUX and Windows).
Flash Recovery Area Usage Checks space usage in the flash recovery area.
Flash Recovery Area Usage Checks space usage in the flash recovery area.
Free extents Checks for free extents in all tablespaces. A warning or an alarm is returned if segments storage value is higher than the largest free extent chunk.
Max processes Checks the maximum number of processes.
ASM diskgroup space Checks the maximum number of processes.
Flash recovery space usage Checks the maximum number of processes.
Max processes Checks the maximum number of processes.
SYS.AUD size Checks the maximum number of processes.
Tablespace free space Checks the maximum number of processes.
Segment size collector Collects size and number totals on all segment types per segment-owner and tablespace_name.
Segment size collector Collects size and number totals on all segment types per segment-owner and tablespace_name.
Segment size collector Collects size and extent number info for larger segments in the database.
Segment size status for old style tablespaces Checks segment storage definitions in tablespaces where extent management is not set to local.
Temporary tablespace free space check Checks level of free space for temporary tablespaces.
Tablespace free space check Checks level of free space for all tablespaces.
Tablespace free space Checks level of free space for all tablespaces.
Applied archive log gap status Reacts on applied archived log gaps and errors.
Blocking detector for RAC Checks if a session is waiting on a TX (transaction) lock. (RAC only)
Memory session load for RAC Records the load memory of RAC active sessions over time.
MV Refresh Group Checks refresh date of scheduled jobs in refresh group(s).
Dataguard apply time Checks refresh date of scheduled jobs in refresh group(s).
Dataguard archive sequence apply lag Checks refresh date of scheduled jobs in refresh group(s).
Dataguard standby archivelog gap Checks refresh date of scheduled jobs in refresh group(s).
Dataguard startup time Checks refresh date of scheduled jobs in refresh group(s).
Dataguard transport time Checks refresh date of scheduled jobs in refresh group(s).
RAC instances status Reacts if one or more RAC instances are not available.
Session load Rac Records the number of active sessions over time (RAC only).
Snapshot Log(s) rows count Checks row count on all snapshot logs for given schema.
Snapshot Log(s) size Checks size of all snapshot logs.
Data Guard role switch Checks size of all snapshot logs.
Framework Engine framework is used when upgrading earlier versions of dbWatch. Ensures the dbWatch Engine and dbWatch Server run compatible codes.
Framework Engine framework is used when upgrading earlier versions of dbWatch. Ensures the dbWatch Engine and dbWatch Server run compatible codes.
Index status check Detecting indexes in status UNUSABLE
Index status check Detecting indexes in status UNUSABLE
Invalid objects check Detecting invalid objects in the database.
Extent fragmentation Detecting invalid objects in the database.
Table statistics check Reacts on old (or missing) statistics in DBA_TABLES dictionary table (column LAST_ANALYZED).
Maintenance (part of the Automated maintenance package)
Analyze tables Analyse tables automatically.
Delete SYS.AUD$ data Deletes old rows from the SYS.AUD$ trail table.
Index fragmentation Checks the index fragmentation in all database schemas. If DELETED LEAF ROWS is high, you will get low block density.
Rebuild indexes Rebuild indexes automatically.
Table fragmentation Checks the Table fragmentation in all database schemas.
Table fragmentation Checks the Table fragmentation in all database schemas.
Migration (part of the Migration package)
Statistics migration Migrates statistics from a number of tasks from dbWatch version 12 to dbWatch CC.
Blocking detector Checks if a session is waiting on a TX (transaction) lock.
Buffer cache statistics Gets data cache statistics for buffer cache in SGA.
CPU load Checks CPU load using Oracle performance view v$osstat.
Database network statistics Checks database network SQL*NET statistics.
Test DML performance Runs performance test. Procedure executes SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and TRUNCATE statements on schema test tables.
File IO statistics Collects I/O statistics for data files.
Instance memory statistics Collects statistics on instance memory.
Latch statistics Collects latch status statistics.
Long running queries Checks for long running queries.
Open cursors Checks and collects the amount of open cursors per session.
Disk read statistics Collects disk read statistics from v$system_event performance view for db file sequential and dbfile scattered read event.
Disk read statistics Collects disk read statistics from v$system_event performance view for db file sequential and dbfile scattered read event.
Redo statistics Gets redolog files statistics. Based on Oracle dictionary and performance views.
Redo statistics Gets redolog files statistics. Based on Oracle dictionary and performance views.
Session load Records the number of active and inactive sessions over time.
Session load Records the number of active sessions over time.
SQL statement statistics Collects SQL statement statistics from v$sqlarea performance view (Oracle 10g only).
SQL statement statistics Collects SQL statement statistics from v$sqlarea performance view (Oracle 11g only).
SQL statement statistics Collects SQL statement statistics from v$sqlarea performance view (Oracle 12c only).
SQL waits Collects SQL wait statistics.
Top user memory usage Check can be used to trace memory usage per server-process (session).
Undo statistics Collects rollback segment statistics.
User memory statistics Collects user memory statistics.
Wait statistics Collects waits statistics encountered by threads that executed. This task is based on the v$system_event dynamic performance view.
Performance (part of the SQL Performance package)
SQL statistics Collects SQL statements statistics from V$SQLAREA and V$SQL_PLAN dynamic performance views..
SQL statistics Collects SQL statements statistics (for container database) from V$SQLAREA and V$SQL_PLAN dynamic performance views.
SQL statistics Collects SQL statements statistics (for pluggable database) from V$SQLAREA and V$SQL_PLAN dynamic performance views.
SQL statistics Collects SQL statements statistics from V$SQLAREA and V$SQL_PLAN dynamic performance views..


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