Each job has a set of menus. They can be accessed if you right-click on a job.
This gives you several options.
“Run now” will trigger the job now, outside of the normal schedule.
“Details” will open the job report, providing details about this monitoring job and historical data about the metric it monitors.
“Configure” will open the parameter configuration.
“Set schedule” will allow you to change the schedule this database instance.
“Disable” (or “Enable” if it is already disabled) will turn off (or on) the scheduling and alert propagation. This means it will be greyed out, displaying last status, but the status will not be propagated to the job group, instance, instance group, or global status level.
“Notes” will open the notes editor
“Acknowledgement history” will open the acknowledgment history overview, showing previous warnings and alarms.
“Acknowledge All” will set all old warnings and alarms as acknowledged.
“Edit” will open the job editor. This will be greyed out if the job type does not have an editor.
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