Installation guide for Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle platforms

The dbWatch Agresso Module is based on the dbWatch Engine Framework and can be installed during the initial installation of the dbWatch Framework. If the MS SQL Server or Oracle instance where the agresso database/schema is defined, is already monitored by the dbWatch Server, (which means that there is a dbwatch database/schema defined on the same instance with a set of dbWatch jobs), you will only have to install individual agresso jobs
This installation guide explains how to add the dbWatch Agresso Module into an existing dbWatch Engine installation.

The dbWatch Agresso module consists of three main parts

• Agresso jobs
• Agresso Administration

Agresso jobs

The Agresso jobs is a set of procedures which can be installed into the dbWatch monitoring framework. Those procedures are responsible for collecting the information related to the agresso database/schema (performance, growth rate & usage pattern etc) and for checking the critical parts of the agresso database/schema.
The Agresso job procedures is the database monitoring package in the dbWatch context.

There are 7 Agresso jobs for the MS SQL Server platform, and 3 Agresso jobs for the Oracle platform:

• Agresso framework – Checks whether there is an installation of the agresso application in any of the databases (MS SQL Server).
• Agresso blob size collector – Collects information about the size of blobs in agresso databases (MS SQL Server).
• Agresso – missing system indexes – Checks if there are any missing system indexes in the agresso database by comparing records in dbo.asysindex and sys.indexes tables (MS SQL Server).
• Agresso – missing user defined indexes – Checks if there are any missing system indexes in the agresso database by comparing records in dbo.asysindex and sys.indexes tables (MS SQL Server ).
• Agresso – not registered indexes – Checks if there are any indexes in the agresso database which are not registered in the dbo.asysindex or dbo.aagindex tables (MS SQL Server).
• Agresso help and temp tables – Collects information about objects (temporary tables and help tables) created in the agresso application schema/database (MS SQL Server and Oracle).
• Agresso report queue – Monitors and checks pending or running reports. Returns warning or alarm if the elapsed time exceeds defined thresholds (MS SQL Server and Oracle).
• Agresso CON$ system table – Checks the size of all indexes defined on SYS.CON$ system table (Oracle).

in 2025 Q1 there will be 3 more jobs added to both platforms

Agresso Administration

The “Agresso Administration” is an extension to the dbWatch Administration Module, and is not dependent on the monitoring module (can be used without installing the Agresso jobs procedures). This module enables you to administer indexes and application reports of the agresso database/schema in a more efficient and structured way.

Installation of Agresso jobs

To enable the Agresso module, select “Configure Instance” and activate the “Agresso Package” license. Only after this step will you be able to install Agresso jobs.

Then, go to “Configure jobs”, select the Agresso jobs you need, and click Install.


MS SQL Server:

← Application Modules / The FString format →


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