By default autodiscover scans the following ports:

MS SQL Server: 1433
Oracle: 1520, 1521, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1526, 1527
Sybase: 4998, 4999, 5000, 5001, 5002
MySQL: 3304, 3305, 3306, 3307, 3308
PostgreSQL: 5429, 5430, 5431, 5432, 5433, 5434

You can override the defaults by creating a file called “autodiscover_ports.txt” and place it in the dbWatch Server config catalog ( “C:/ProgramData/dbWatch/[version]/server/config” on a standard windows installation )

The file must contain an xml like syntax that defines a set of ports/port ranges for each supported DBMS type in the following way:


As you see, a dbms tag contains:

  • A name defining the dbms type (legal values: “oracle”, “sqlserver”, “sybase”, “mysql”, “postgres”, “mysql”).
  • A ports tag with a set of port tags. Each port tag can define a port range (f.ex 1520-1527), or a single port (f.ex 1521). Maximum allowed value for port is 65535.

The dbms tags are contained in an enclosing port-def tag, so the file will look like this:


Please note that the scanning function in autodiscover is designed to not be too aggressive, because that could trigger firewalls and IDS system within the company. The scanning function will scan around 10-15 ports per second spread across hosts, so a large port range will make the scanning time consuming.

← Autodiscover / Auto-discover with different default port →


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