Jobs in the Availability category

Control Center Jobs Description
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log. Uses embedded java to read files.
Alert log check This check reads and looks for errors in the database alert log. Uses embedded java to read files.
Archive status Check Checks how many redolog files that are not archived.
Backup log Check 10g Checks for errors in a log file (e.i. backup log). For backups not using RMAN.
Backup log Check 8i Checks for errors in a log file (e.i. backup log). For backups not using RMAN.
Backup log Check 9i Checks for errors in a log file (e.i. backup log). For backups not using RMAN.
Data Guard Archive Status Checks that the standby database is receiving archive files from master database.
Data Guard Archive Status Check Checks that the standby database is receiving archive files from master database.
Database link check Checks database links.
Instance alert log Reads and checks errors in the X$DBGALERTEXT performance view contained in the XML decoded version of the XML version of Alert log file.
Database uptime Collects database uptime statistics for all instances mounted on the database.
Dba Jobs check Detecting failed scheduled jobs in old style dba_jobs.
DBMS uptime Collects uptime statistics in database.
Export log Check Checks for errors in a log file (i.e. export log).
File status check Reacts on any changes in status of data files and/or temporary files.
Index status check Detecting indexes in status UNUSABLE
Invalid objects check Detecting invalid objects in the database.
Job scheduling check Detecting failed scheduled jobs.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors from the database listener log. Using Oracle native code to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors in database listener log. Using embedded java to read.
Listener log check This checks and reads errors in database listener log. Using embedded java to read.
Listener status check Checks listener status to verify if up and running, requires java support in the database.
Max datafiles check Checks the “soft limit” and the “hard limit” of maximum number of physical OS files, that can be mapped to an Oracle instance.
Database mount state Checking if database is in correct mount status
Datafile status Checking status for datafiles
Max datafiles Checking if datafiles reaches max datafiles (db_files) parameter
RMAN backup status Checking status of the last RMAN backup
Password expire Checks for users whose password will soon expire.
PDB status Alerts if PDB is not in correct state
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN archivelog backup status Checks the status of RMAN archivelog backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
RMAN backup status Checks the status of RMAN backup from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS performance view.
Test alert db Test alert that alerts every ‘X’ minutes.
Test alert Test alert that alerts every ‘X’ minutes.
TNSping check Checks TNSping connectivity on listed targets. Task requires ‘java’ support. Supports Linux/Unix and Windows, will react with an alarm if host is unreachable.
MS SQL Server
Agent Jobs Check Checks whether there exists jobs on the SQL server which have not been executed, or have failed during execution.
Agent Jobs Check for MS2000 Checks whether there exists jobs on the SQL server which have not been executed or have failed during execution.
SQL Server Agent status Checks if the SQL Server Agent is running.
Database backup for MS2000 This procedure analyzed the backup statistics from msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding system databases: master, model and msdb).
Database backup for system dbs MS2000 This procedure analyzed the system database backups statistics from msdb.dbo.backupset table.
Database backup This procedure analyzes the backup statistics (type D and I) from the msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding the system databases: master, model and msdb).
Database backup for SIMPLE recovery model This procedure analyzes the backup statistics (type D) from the msdb.dbo.backupset table for databases in SIMPLE recovery model (excluding the system databases: master, model and msdb).
Database backup for system databases This procedure analyzes the FULL backup statistics for the system databases (master, model and msdb) using data from the msdb.dbo.backupset table.
Database Log backup This procedure checks the database transaction log backups from the msdb.dbo.backupset table (excluding system databases: master, model and msdb).
Collation check Checks if there is a collation conflict with temp tables and table variables.
Check database recovery mode Checks if all databases are running in FULL or SIMPLE recovery mode.
Database status Checks if all databases have status ONLINE
Database status for MS2000 Checks if all databases have status ONLINE
Database Server uptime Collects database server uptime statistics.
Database Server uptime for MS2000 Collects database server uptime statistics.
Database Server uptime for MS2005 Collects database server uptime statistics.
Instance error log Reads and checks the Instance error log file by using the sp_readerrorlog stored procedure.
Instance error log for AWS Reads and checks the Instance error log file by using the AWS rdsadmin.dbo.rds_read_error_log stored procedure.
Instance status This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Database backup noschema This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Database log backup noschema This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Database status noschema This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Missing database backup noschema This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Missing database log backup noschema This alert checks if the instance has been restarted since the last check
Program status Checks for any program connected to the SQL Server by checking the program_name column in the master.dbo.sysprocesses table.
Report Server status Checks if the program ‘Report Server’ is connected to the SQL Server by checking the program_name column in the master.dbo.sysprocesses table.
Restricted Enterprise edition features Checks if there are any restricted features in use (supported only by Enterprise or Developer SQL Server edition).
Restricted Enterprise edition features for MS2000 Checks if there are any restricted features in use (supported only by Enterprise or Developer SQL Server edition).
Restricted Enterprise edition features for MS2005 Checks if there are any restricted features in use (supported only by Enterprise or Developer SQL Server edition).
Backup check – pg_dump Checks that there exists an up to date backup file.
Backup check – WAL Checks that the WAL files have been backed up.
DBMS uptime Collects database uptime statistics.
dbWatch engine alert Collects database uptime statistics.
DBMS uptime Collects uptime statistics in the database.
MySQL aborted connects Checking if there is many aborted connects
MySQL max connections Checking if the system is near maximum connections
MySQL mysqld process Checking if mysqld process is running
DBMS uptime Collects uptime statistics in the database.
DBMS uptime Collects uptime statistics in the database.
Aborted connects alert Checking if there is many aborted connects
Maximum connections alert Checking if the system is near maximum connections
MySQLd process alert Checking if mysqld process is running
MariaDB Space Optimizer Tells the user how much space tables in a specific database consume.
Database backup Checks backup status of all databases.
Database status Checks status of all databases defined on the system. The following incidents triggers a warning or an alarm: Offline, offline until recovery complete, recovered, suspect pages, in the process of being upgraded
DBMS uptime Collects database uptime statistics.


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