Tasks and Alerts are the cornerstone of the dbWatch Monitoring module.

Tasks and Alerts perform the actual monitoring of the database instance.

There are two types of Tasks and Alerts. The Standard Tasks and Alerts, and the Advanced Tasks and Alerts.

Standard Monitoring

A Standard Task or Alert consists of a series of steps (defined in xml files), and each step retreives data and/or performs some computation on the data.
The last step will also set a status and a text describing the current state of the task.

The steps can be a mixture of different languages, currently sql, dbwql, javascript and ssh are supported.

Each step has the results from the previous steps available as input.

The standard tasks do not require any framework or objects installed on the databases, all state is stored on the dbWatch Server.

Advanced Monitoring

Each Advanced Task or Alert consists of a set of objects (procedures, tables, etc) that are installed on the monitored database instance. The main procedure will be triggered by the dbWatch Server, This procedure will then perform a check or collect statistics regarding the instance and typically put data in a table that can be reported on later.

The difference between tasks and alerts is that, alerts have a status (OK, Warning or Alarm), while tasks only collect statistics and will not alert on what they find.
All tasks and alerts provided by dbWatch are provided as open source. This is part of the dbWatch philosophy of mixed source. Customers are able to (and indeed we recommend) that they change the standard supplied alerts and tasks. By using our codes as the basis for their own customised ‘developments’. They can then customise their alerts and tasks to suit their specific needs. dbWatch Software Support is available to assist with customised developments.

In the main monitoring window you will see tasks and alerts along with various other information relating to their schedules. Such as when the last run was performed and so on.

The first column indicates whether it is a task (grey color) or an alert. With status (green = ok, yellow = warning, red = alarm).

On the left side of the monitoring window, you see tasks and alerts with their status order by package.

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