High CPU usage on database
Occasionally when investigating resource-consuming SQL statements running on your system, you may find that some of them belong to the dbWatch application.
For example, a SQL statement that has the highest value of spent CPU time. In most cases, dbWatch executes the same SQL statements many times over a long time period so the accumulated CPU time becomes high, and at first glance this might be assumed to indicate a problem. However, if you calculate how much CPU time is consumed during a day, you will typically find that it is a matter of minutes.
Trouble with report generation on Linux
Some linux installation without X installed will have trouble generating reports.
To solve this create two files called:
- dbWatchConsole[version].vmoptions
- dbWatchService[version].vmoptions
where version is the dbWatch version (this should be identical to the name of the executable file).
Theese files should contain one line:
Save and restart the dbWatch Server.
The dbWatch Server is operating close to its maximum memory capacity
There are 2 files that control memory usage on the dbWatch Server. They are located in the root catalog of the dbWatch installation and are called “ dbWatchConsole[version].vmoptions” and “dbWatchService[version].vmoptions”, where [version] is the currrent dbWatch version. If the files do not exists, you can add them manually.
dbWatchService….vmoptions is used when the Server is running as a Service, and dbWatchConsole…vmoptions is used when the Server is running in a console.
In these files you can add arguments for the Java runtime, like memory configuration (among other things).
If, f.ex you want the Server to use 3GB of ram, you can add a line with “ -Xmx3g”. 4GB will be “-Xmx4g” and so on.
The dbWatch Server has to be restarted for the changes to have effect.
You can check the current memory configuration by typing “internal/memorymax” in the dbwql console. (The value shown will be a bit lower than what is specified)
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