The dbWatch Autodiscover feature scans your network and locates database instances that are available.

You will find the Autodiscover feature under the “Autodiscover” tab on the left-most side of the dbWatch Monitor.

In the Autodiscover view you have 3 main components.

On the left is a tree where you will find all the database instances that have been discovered. You can organize this tree dynamically by manipulating the “Group by” component on the bottom of the tree.

On the right side you have a “Register new scan” box that you can use to start new scans.
Following the new scan box you have a number of boxes representing the currently registered scans.

Starting a scan

In the “Register new scan” box you have three fields.

Select the dbWatch Server you want to perform the scan with.
Select the network range (using standard CIDR notation) you want to scan. (The refresh button following the Server selection box, will fill the default range for the selected dbWatch Server)
Select the interval. Manual means you can start the scan manually whenever you want. You can also specify that the scan should be performed once a day, once a week or once a month.

When you are satesfied, click “Add”.

After a couple of seconds, a new box representing this scan should appear.

Here you see the scan progress, and you can start/stop (or delete) the scan.

Adding discovered instances

When instances are discovered, they will automatically appear in the tree.

To add an instance, simply right-click it and select “Add instance”.

This will open the “Add instance wizard” with the discovered instances details allready filled.

The scan is not a full network scan, but a scan of the ports defined in the file “autodiscover_ports.txt” located in the “[dbWatch Server]/server/resources/” catalogue. For details on the file specification, see Defining Autodiscover Ports.

CLI examples / Defining Autodiscover Ports →


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