Prints out a manual page in the console
dbw -h
Checks if a dbWatch server accepts a login.
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
dbw ping -url -login myuser -password mypassword
dbw ping -server myserver
Runs a named task on selected instance.
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-f -format The format definition.
The provided formats are csv and xml.
The user can define additional formats by placing format definitions in <user>/.dbwatch/formats.
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
-t -task The task.
dbw run -url -login myuser -password mypassword -task "my task"
dbw run -server myserver -task "my task"
Executes a dbwql query. The query result is formatted according to the selected format.
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-q -query The query to execute.
-set Define additional environment variables to be used in this command.
The format is -set <name>=<value>
-f -format The format definition.
The provided formats are csv and xml.
The user can define additional formats by placing formatted definitions in <user>/.dbwatch/formats.
dbw dbwql -url -login myuser -password mypassword -query instance/name -format csv
dbw dbwql -server nyserver -query instance/name -format myformat
Checks the status of tasks on a given instance. Will check all tasks if no task is specified.
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-f -format The format definition.
The provided formats are csv and xml.
The user can define additional formats by placing formatted definitions in <user>/.dbwatch/formats.
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
-t -task The task.
dbw status -url -login myuser -password mypassword -task "my task"
dbw status -url -login myuser -password mypassword
dbw status -server myserver -task "my task"
dbw status -server myserver
Deletes an instance (not the same as uninstall)
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
dbw delete -url -login myuser -password mypassword -instance MyInstanceName
dbw delete -server myserver -i MyInstanceName
Maps an instance to a service grouping
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
-sg -servicegrouping Name of the selected service grouping
dbw map -url -login myuser -password mypassword -i MyInstance -sg MyServiceGrouping
Gets the configuration of the selected instance or servicegrouping.
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
-sg -servicegrouping Name of the selected service grouping
dbw get -url -login myuser -password mypassword -instance MyInstance
dbw get -server myserver -sg clusterName
Registers an instance or service grouping
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-cf -configfile File containing the configuration
dbw register -url -login myuser -password mypassword -configfile myconfig.xml
dbw register -server myserver -configfile myconfig.xml
The format of the config file argument is the same as the format returned by the get command.
File example for servicegrouping
Installs an instance
-b -blocking Block until call is completed (timeout after x seconds).
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-cf -configfile File containing the configuration
dbw installinstance -url -login myuser -password mypassword -configfile myconfig.xml
dbw installinstance -server myserver -configfile myconfig.xml
For config file examples look here
Update property for instance. Currently only connected=true/false supported
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-set Define additional environment variables to be used in this command.
The format is -set <name>=<value>
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
dbw update -url -login myuser -password -i instancename -set connected=true
dbw update -server myserver -i instancename -set connected=true
Installs a task. If the task is already installed and a higher version is available, it is upgraded. If no task is specified all tasks that are marked as ‘express install’ are installed.
-b -blocking Block until call is completed (timeout after x seconds).
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
-t -task The task.
dbw installtask -url -login myuser -password mypassword -instance myInstanceName -blocking 10 -task "DBMS Uptime"
dbw installtask -server myserver -login myuser -password mypassword -instance myInstanceName -blocking 10 -task "DBMS Uptime"
dbw installtask -server myserver -login myuser -password mypassword -instance myInstanceName -blocking 10
Uninstalls a task.
-b -blocking Block until call is completed (timeout after x seconds).
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
-t -task The task.
dbw uninstalltask -url -login myuser -password mypassword -instance myInstanceName -blocking 10 -task "DBMS Uptime"
dbw uninstalltask -server myserver -login myuser -password mypassword -instance myInstanceName -blocking 10 -task "DBMS Uptime"
Upgrades a task. If no task is specified, all upgradeable tasks for the instance are upgraded. If no instance is specified, all upgradeable tasks for all instances are upgraded.
-b -blocking Block until call is completed (timeout after x seconds).
-l -login Username used to authenticate.
-p -password Password used to authenticate.
-url The address of a dbWatch server
In the form of <server>:<port> or rmi://<server>:<port>
-s -server Namespace of the target server.
The server connection parameters are prefixed with this value
-i -instance Name of the selected instance
-t -task The task.
dbw upgradetask -url -login myuser -password mypassword -instance myInstanceName -blocking 10 -task "DBMS Uptime"
dbw upgradetask -server myserver -login myuser -password mypassword -instance myInstanceName -blocking 10
dbw upgradetask -server myserver -login myuser -password mypassword -blocking 10
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